The Heroes

The Current Party 

Waldo:  Male Human Fighter 4/ Thief 4

Barcl Spellfinger:  Male Elven Fighter 4/ Magic-User 4

Happy Arrow:  Female Half-Elven Ranger 4

Herluf Forkbeard:  Male Dwarf  Fighter 4

Past Party Members (Where are they now?)

Roderick:  Male Human Fighter 1/ Thief 1

Sir Bravehard:  Male Human Paladin 1

The Deceased Heroes

Deona:  Female Human Cleric 1  (PC) (Slain by an eleven-eyed gargoyle)

Miles:  Male Human Cleric of Forsetti 4 (PC) (slain by a cyclops in the forest to the west of Ravenglass)
 Miles of Forsetti, Deity of Justice

Brobaca:  Dwarf Fighter 4 (PC) (also slain by a cyclops in the forest to the west of Ravenglass)