House Rules

Simple Hex Crawl Rules (24 Mile Hex)

Overland: 1 hex per day 
Road: 2 hexes per day 
Horses pulling wagons and/or carts: 2 days per hex (roads only) 4 days per hex (off road)
Air Travel: 2 hexes per day (winged mount carry capacity rules on LL46 apply)
Sailing: 4 hexes per day
Rowing: 2 hexes per day

Terrain and Wind Condition rules are dropped

Average 1/6 chance for daytime random encounter
& another 1/6 chance for nighttime random encounter

100 coins = 1 lb
100 gems = 1 lb
Jewels and works of art = varies

Backpack  (40 lbs max)
Large sack (60)
Small sack (20)
Large pouch (3)
Small pouch (2)
Saddle bag (30)
Large chest (1,000)
Small chest (500)
Light War Horse/ Riding Horse (0-300 / 301-500)
Medium War Horse (0-400 / 401-650)
Heavy War Horse/ Draft Horse (0-500 / 501-750)
Pony (0-200 / 201-300)
Mule (0-500 / 501-750)
Cart w 1 horse or 2 mules (400)
Cart w 2 horse or 4 mules (600)
Wagon w 2 horse (1,500)
Wagon w 4 horse (4,500)

Spellbooks: 100 pages each.  Each spell takes up one page per spell level.

Casting and Memorization (lightening up the rules!):
Magic Users and Illusionists
-can cast any learned spell (don't have to memorize them each morning)
-number of spells cast per day is limited by the PC's experience level.
-First level magic users have learned the maximum number of first level spells that their intelligence permits.  I.e. if the Magic User has an intelligence of 10, then he or she may pick 7 spells from the first level spell list.  The PC must role for the ability to learn all other spells.
-Illusionists are rarer and get fewer spells overall than MUs.  Therefore, the Illusionist will start out selecting the maximum number of 1st and 2d level spells that their intelligence permits. However, they still cannot cast 2d level spells from memory until they reach the appropriate level of experience.

Clerics and Druids
-Can cast any spell their deity will grant them (note that a deity can refuse to permit them certain types of spells or reversals of spells)
-Deity grants the power to cast the permitted spell at the moment of intent. I.e. the cleric or druid doesn't have the pray for specific spells in the morning.  They only must pray for "the power" to cast the permitted spells chosen later as needed.
-Number of spells per day are still limited by PC's experience level and Wisdom score.

These rules do not apply to Spell Scrolls.