Friday, November 28, 2014

Some Background:

When Antherox, a wicked Sorcerer-King, usurped the Serpentine Throne just over a century ago, the Circle of Six withdrew its religious grip from the Mountain Kingdom of Nhorrendia.   Now the Tomb of Chara, also referred to as “Hellgate”, spews forth a noxious purple mist rumored to have destroyed the ancient cities of Ingul, Penem, and Ladhelor. In order to defeat Antherox and Chara, self-proclaimed descendants of an old nobility calling themselves “the Order of the Crimson Thorn” gather a force of wyvern-mounted warriors. Meanwhile, a strange and evil abomination writhes beneath the blackened soil of the Kalembrian Forest, a primordial woodland to the East.

Map of Nhorrendia and the Wyvernmist Realm

Each Hex = 6 Miles